Sacred Life Vision accepts without judgement,  the many paths which may lead to the experience of the Divine, the Holy Creator or Higher Power.


Dynamic meditation is an organic, intuitively guided transformational process to facilitate inner peace, healthful body harmony, transformational healing and calm acceptance. It is dynamic in that each session will be attuned to the needs presented by the souls who attend and may draw from different techniques and processes as these needs are illuminated. It aims to support each individual being in their unique journey to help them process grief, loss and trauma and then to facilitate more empowerment, inner peace and confidence.


Getting to know who you truly are and expressing your concerns and insights in a safe, sacred and confidential space is also part of this process. Most importantly, this 'meditation' for want of a better word, will magnify the healing Light of the Creator and allow alchemical transformation to happen, just by bathing in it and becoming more present to it and by turning up. Learning how to tune into this energy in our daily lives to live more happily and harmoniously and with more balance is one of the aims and results of this dynamic style of meditation. Please come along and experience it for a few weeks and see if it resonates. 


 Please contact us soon if you are interested in participating in a regular meditation / personal transformation group. There is no time like the present. In fact, it is the only time. If you feel the call, listen, trust and respond. x